
Mark McCabe - Rest in Peace

10th Nov 2022

A few days ago we received some very sad news from Gavin McCabe. You may be already aware thru social media...

Mark has lost his battle with cancer after fighting hard for 3 years and has passed away surrounded by family. I know he shared a close connection with you and Phil for many years. He may have stopped surfing but never lost his love of it - even in his last days he was still watching surf films and speaking of his glory days.

May he Rest in Peace 

Gavan McCabe

Sad news for all those that knew Mark. It wasn't just his loyalty and positive energy that he passed onto all those around him but over the decades there were students, footballers, skiers, fellow surfers and of course the Davey Bay Boys that he built friendships with that have lasted a lifetime. 

Mark and the Bay Boys at Honeysuckle

As a team rider for Trigger Bros., Mark excelled. To surf at an Australian Open surfing title it takes regular finals results in Victoria to place in the top six in the state and qualify for the contest. Mark achieved that on a number of occasions whilst also placing second to Allan Tibballs on 3 occasions in the Peninsula Boardriders Aggregate ( Allen went on to win a Vic Title and The Quicksilver Trials ). 

Moving onto Mals saw Mark step up to another level. It was as though he was born to ride that style of board. His powerful build enabled him to throw an 8 footer and a nine around like he was riding a shortie but still smooth as silk.

He competed at the top Australian level regularly for at least 10 to 20 years. 

Phil and I rate Mark in the top ten male surfers to ride our boards with distinction and its a very strong list with the likes of GT ,Porto, Cocky, Pretzel, Evey, Fordy, Tibballs, Alan Atkins and Mark Harrison. He was a team player and his loyalty to us was unwavering.

Mark front left with the Trigger Team.

Mark and Phil at the Mailibu Rum Longboard series.

The present day East Coast Surf School was kicked off by Mark and Bruce Mezley. He loved helping others to achieve their goals in whatever sport they chose. 

From all walks of life everyone loved and respected Mark McCabe.

-Paul Trigger

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